Traditional Knowledge

Turmeric, derives its name from the Latin term terra merita, meaning ‘meritorious earth’, referring to the colour of ground turmeric, which resembles a mineral pigment. In many languages, turmeric is named simply as ‘yellow root’.

Turmeric is one of the most popular traditionally used herb and also known as “golden spice”. It is grown in various parts of India and other Asian countries and has been held sacred since ancient times. The use of turmeric dates back nearly 4000 years to the Vedic culture in India, where it was used as a culinary spice and had some religious significance where people regarded it as “herb of the sun”.

It probably reached China by 700 AD, East Africa by 800 AD, West Africa by 1200 AD, and Jamaica in the eighteenth century. In 1280, Marco Polo—an Italian merchant traveller described this spice  “marvelling” at a vegetable that exhibited qualities so similar to that of saffron. 

Turmeric, as described in Sanskrit medical treatises and within the Ayurvedic and Unani systems, has a long history of use in traditional wellness practices. It has been valued for its potential to support overall health, including respiratory health, digestive wellness, and skin health. Traditionally, turmeric has been used to support the body’s natural response to occasional discomfort from sprains and to promote healthy skin. The use of dried turmeric powder has also been a part of traditional practices for its qualities in supporting skin health. These historical uses highlight turmeric’s diverse role in traditional health practices, emphasizing its contribution to a holistic approach to wellness.